AL School Superintendent Cancels History Club Trip To See 'Selma'
January 19, 2015

WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL

Yeah, I don't think the language is the real problem here:

DEKALB COUNTY, AL (WAFF) - A history club at a DeKalb County school will not be going to see the new Selma movie as planned.

The school superintendent pulled the plug on the trip citing primarily because it had too much obscene and racial profanity. [...] What part about history does the administration want hidden?

The superintendent said that's not the issue. He said the film puts teachers in the role of parents and he feels that is not appropriate.

For Reverend James Stanton, the civil rights era wasn't just something on television. At the age of 20 in 1965, he was living it.

"They did not want me to come down and visit because of the violence and the racial problems that they were having at the time." said Stanton.

His daughter is a senior at Collinsville High School whose history club has been denied approval to go see the new movie Selma due to the level of profanity.

"It raises my curiosity as to whether something that they are not wanting exposed or the children not to know about." said Stanton. "I don't believe it is just about the profanity."

Superintendent Hugh Taylor feels it forces the school teachers to act as parents and also questions. What happens if a child becomes so offended they have to leave the theater?"

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