Torture-- The Game, And How We Were Played...
Now that a day has passed, some of my favorite bloggers have had the opportunity to examine what we've learned over the years, and in yesterday's report.
The Rude Pundit leads off with the story of Janat Gul, in his piece, "Torture Report-- The Game, And How We Played It."
Speaking of how the game was played, The Brad Blog has gathered together all of Tom Tomorrow's comic panels on the topic from revelation in 2004 to present. Truly epic to see them all together. It was neat watching Brad, Tom and Billmon discussing this the other night.
Next, NTodd, of Dohiyi Mir, has done a fine job of outlining how we were played, and who played us to what end, and questions "Our Example To The World."
Finally, Steve M. of No More Mister Nice Blog does a very nice job examining America's drifting moral opinion of torture over the past decade in his piece, "Do Americans Even Look At Torture As A Moral Issue?"
Bonus Track: Billmon On The Torture Debate We're Not Having.
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.