The Pug is sacked out after her special Pugmas Dinner, so I was able to sneak away long enough to tell all of you how much I appreciate your participation, your comments, and your insights.
Writing for C&L is at times incredibly rewarding, often challenging, and always interesting. But writing wouldn't be any fun without you, the community. You keep me honest, your comments always enhance whatever I've written, and you're all special. Paying attention to all the insanity that flies around would make me insane too if I didn't have you to commiserate with me.
It's hard to believe that 2015 will mark the fifth year I've been writing here. Time flies, thanks to Amato, Susie Madrak and all the crew. Since there will never be a shortage of crooks or liars in media and politics, I'm guaranteed some job security in the years to come, it seems.
Thank you all for taking time out of your day to read, comment, and be here. I hope your holidays are warm, happy, and that 2015 brings all of us joy, job security and continued access to health insurance. :)
Lurkers, I know you're out there. Come out and leave a comment...I'm grateful for you, too.
Much love,