Sean Hannity doesn't care if an unarmed black man has lost his life, he only believes the white police officer acted appropriately. What about justice for the officer?
There's never justice for black people, this is Klannity's turf. Where should we be directing our sympathy and concern? Where else but for the 'job creators,' the local, insured businesses who lost their livelihood, albeit temporarily. Livelihood, in Hannity's world, is more important than African-American lives.
In order to completely distract the real issue of police brutality, the canard du jour on Sean Hannity's show was the 'tragic' loss of businesses. This was, in part, due to the riots following the grand jury announcement. Darren Wilson faced no indictment in the gunning down of Michael Brown on a hot August afternoon in broad daylight. People were understandably upset, but not according to Fox News. They acted out of typical black rage encouraged by Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who are the catalysts of all problems in Black America, along with Obama and Holder, naturally.
The premise of Friday night's show: The show was really about telling the “untold” stories of the business owners, some of whom had their entirely livelihoods wiped away when protesters targeted their businesses in frustration.
One by one, (there were two in all, Hidden Treasures and The NY Grill) these owners tell their story. They saved for a long time and invested, as Hannity said repeatedly, 'sweat equity' in what 'was' their businesses. Now they are going to have to start from scratch. Coping with the aftermath of the riots, these folks tell the standard tale of a business owner who built their establishments over several years time. Both owners have insurance, so the businesses aren't a total loss. But the auxiliary members of the 'audience' who are also Fox News apologists were there to remind us what comes next.
They stuck Deroy Murdock in the audience to explain that businesses will think twice before considering black neighborhoods because the residents tend to just burn stuff down. Next, Hannity tossed to Jason Riley, another African-American Fox contributor who mentioned the impact on local residents and the inconveniences they will face having destroyed these businesses.
Bottom line, the destruction of these two businesses is far more tragic than the death of an African-American teen. He interviewed minority Americans who owned these businesses along with their white lawyer who said this happened at 2 am in the morning. These hoodlums have no sense of decency.
College dropout and Fox star, Sean Hannity claimed this tragedy is the fault of the Governor of Missouri, who didn't deploy the National Guard in time. It couldn't be the fault of Bob McCulloch who falsley portrayed the incident to guarantee a grand jury acquittal for Darren Wilson. It couldn't be the fault of the incredibly prejudiced law enforcement in Ferguson. It had to be the failing of government, which Fox News has always claimed is useless, except when Republicans are running it into the ground.
Hannity even said,
where was government when you needed them?
I'm sure government was doing a fantastic job of defending and protecting a racist, murdering policeman, but let's just forget that. We'll lament over businesses, because this is Fox News, home of faux concern for black and middle eastern entrepreneurs when it suits their needs. Remember who the 1% are, the job creators.