December 5, 2014

Both of these two clowns, Mayor "Noun, Verb 9/11" and Bill O'Reilly proclaim that grand jury testimony is probably not based on race. Just because most every victim of police brutality who ends up dead lately just happens to be black is not anything to concern ourselves with. Quality of life crimes are dealt with all the time effectively by grand juries. Eric Garner caused his own death, he created this situation by not being compliant. This matter is a fait acompli because in the case of Eric Garner, this particular squad was led by a female African-American law enforcement officer. Rudy thinks that all of us who are being "so opinionated" about this decision is a little premature. The police officer in charge watched this happen and is 'most likely' going to take the side of Daniel Pantaleo.

Giuliani feels it's his job to explain the physiology of the encounter to the numbed brains of the Fox News audience. First, O'Reilly tries to take the opposing viewpoint with Mayor 9/11, saying,

"When you hear someone say, I can't breathe, you've got to stop."

Giuliani isn't so sure of this, so he says, "Yes, maybe, we don't know." He then flippantly proclaimed that when Garner said (of course in a very mocking tone)

"I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe, it suggests that the choke hold had not been applied yet because when a real choke hold is applied, it cracks your larynx and you're not saying, (again in an incredibly disrespectful tone) I can't breathe. "

Even the most elementary wrestling or MMA official knows when enough is enough, and either carotid artery blockage or airway obstruction is often fatal if executed for too long. Giuliani is insinuating that trained police officer, one who, after Garner no longer had any life left in him, callously waved to the camera, was totally in the right. "We simply don't know, it's all in the grand jury testimony."

So why is the United States the only former British colony that still uses a grand jury system? Because why would we evolve when our healthcare system, the judicial system and our educational system only favors those who can pay to play? What incentive is there to have a more equitable system when this one favors the rich and the rich are totally in control? We have our Congress in the hands of a Republican majority, one that favors low taxes on the wealthy while cutting social welfare programs to ribbons.

O'Reilly states that De Blasio has only been mayor for a short amount of time and he's already lost the whole police department. He said this comment to the very same man who was directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of NYPD and NYFD members on 9/11 who ran in to their certain death because he irresponsibly moved CENTCOM to the World Trade Center. The Giuliani administration placed the city's emergency command center on the 23rd floor of 7 World Trade Center. The day of the attacks, that location proved unusable. And when the building collapsed, the city was left without its central command. 121 firefighters in the north tower didn't get out because they didn't hear evacuation orders, rejecting Giuliani's claim before the 9/11 Commission that the firefighters heard the orders and heroically decided to "stand their ground" and rescue civilians.

"For the last 20 years between Bloomberg and me, we have saved more black lives than any mayors in the history of the city, because the crime rate has dropped... Even when there were 2200 murders under Mayor Dinkins, murder rates have dropped by 75%."

It was only a matter of time that Giuliani made the false equivalency that police brutality is less egregious than all that black on black crime. That's been the right-wingers favorite way to deflect the systemic problem of law enforcement misconduct back on the marginalized black community.

These 1% entitled pricks are claiming that people are harping too much on the 1% of the cases of police violence and not black on black violence. To put a final racist nail in this coffin, O'Reilly claims he knows Police Chiefs Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton and Mayor Giuliani very well and he says, none of them have ANY racial animus towards black people. That settles that! The folks sympathetic to the African-American community are letting their wild imaginations get away from them. Nothing more.

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