December 2, 2014

Bo Dietl, Arby's national spokesman, and Fox News' security expert, along with former LAPD "n" word aficionado, Mark Fuhrman, appeared on Hannity. They were together to discuss the sheer criminality of the events in Ferguson that followed the decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for gunning down an unarmed teen. These three white men are all uniquely qualified to settle matters of racial discrimination, or so says Fox News, the home of diversity.

Dietl expressed his views on the looters, who were like "Animal House." He didn't miss this great advantage to disparage the memory of Trayvon Martin, who also was wearing a hoodie.

...these punks here with their hoodies again, remember the hoodies? they're all wearing hoodies, why are they wearing hoodies?

Dietl expressed his loathing of these "people" who are all over the place, shutting down major thoroughfares in NYC. They are the real problem, not police officers with itchy trigger fingers.

Mark Fuhrman, the collector of "not swastikas, German decorations for heroism," is calling for more arrests of the looters who concealed their identity.
Fuhrman, in addition to saying that they all should be arrested, said,

'you have to squeeze them for who else was there.'

....squeeze them? Now there's some words that will incite fuzzy feelings of warmth for law enforcement. Mark Fuhrman wants an ordinance that says you cannot conceal your identity when you are protesting (especially with the dreaded "hoodie"). That will solve everything!

Then Dietl really opens up a can of klan. He talks about the race baiters who are infiltrating the White House. DIETL:

Look at the message today, what our president does. He brings all these race baiters into the White House now. They’re just stirring this up.

He then asked for the NFL to fine those Rams who entered the field Sunday with a show of support for Brown, with hands up, don't shoot stances. If you ask the outspoken ex-detective, the real racists are the black people who seem to have a problem with white cops getting away with shooting black men and boys.

In what was only a matter of time, the subject of black on black violence in the African American community is brought up. It is the perfect way to deflect attention off sociopaths like Darren Wilson. Every Fox News racist on the payroll understands how to deflect and dismiss the outrage generated by these horrible cases of police brutality. They just bring up a subject that has nothing to do with the specifics of the Ferguson case.

Next comes the obligatory insult to Al Sharpton as Dietl asks why he hasn't visited Chicago lately because, you know, black on black crime. Hannity, taking time away from his Cliven Bundy and Rick Perry bromance, adds that Sharpton has made 82 visits to the Obama White House. This proves that President Obama must be a racist. Hannity then goes over the reasons why the cop HAD to shoot Mike Brown. He was not only black, but he was tall, weighed more than Wilson and stole cigarillos! Case closed!

Mark Fuhrman then brings everything to a nice conclusion: this entire case is not about race. But if it IS about race

"it's about a black man targeting a white man. Not the reverse. Officer Wilson never got an opportunity to utter a word before he was savagely attacked by Michael Brown...these people {aka black people (aka savages)} sound like spoiled children who don't get their way."

In summary, black people and their fellow supporters should accept the fact that walking while black in the presence of white 5-0 is potentially life-threatening.

Soldiers at war who kill the enemy (who are also shooting at them), often struggle with and are haunted by taking another human life. Darren Wilson says he sleeps like a baby and wouldn't do anything differently. This sociopath and his defenders are far scarier than any "thug" they demonize. Even more disturbing, they are paid well to mimic the racist proclivities of 1850's Mississippi, while claiming race has nothing to do with it.

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