Co-President Dimon Whipped Dem Votes For Shameful Wall Street Bailout Bill
December 12, 2014

Geeze, they're not even subtle anymore. If there was any doubt that the fox was in the henhouse, this little episode has clarified things considerably, am I right? Think about this: The president of the United States and unindicted criminal Jamie Dimon were working together to push a bill that will bail out Wall Street's losses at the gambling table.

That's a potential of $303 TRILLION for which taxpayers are on the hook:

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon made calls to lawmakers on Thursday urging them to support the “cromnibus” spending bill, House Financial Services Committee ranking member Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told reporters.

Dimon's involvement came amidst progressives enraged that the House "cromnibus" included a provision that they said would weaken Wall Street regulations.

"I think we got hurt when Jamie Dimon and the president started to whip," Waters told reporters after the vote. "That's when I think we lost some votes."

The Washington Post first reported news of Dimon's involvement in the negotiations.The House voted to approve a $1.1 trillion bill funding most of the government through September on a 219-206 vote. Fifty-seven Democrats voted for the bill, while 139 Democrats -- including Waters -- opposed it.

Waters and progressives opposed the budget due to changes to the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Law that were supported by Dimon and other big banks.

"What does it say? It just seems very odd," Waters said. "It is just very strange that the two of them would be working for the support of this bill."

When asked if she thought that Obama had sold out to Wall Street, Waters replied: "That's not for me to determine. I know that the president was whipping. I know that Jamie Dimon was whipping and calling directly into members' offices. And that's odd. That's an odd combination."

In other news, Jamie Dimon has been pronounced free of cancer. Now he just spreads it around Washington instead!

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