After the 9/11 attacks, Americans supported enhanced interrogation techniques by a majority 51% for, and 28% against. The only problem here is that the 'techniques' were unknown by the American people, until recently. The Senate's finding on the programs that were unmistakably akin to torture showed the CIA misled not only the American people, but the White House.
The mainstream media folks at CNBC think liberal-ish criticism of the torturers is unfounded, because at the time, Americans supported the CIA's handling of suspects.
The reports of the absolutely deplorable techniques that were applied have made most Americans (with half a brain) completely disgusted and embarrassed by the conduct of our secret ops.
The Washington Free Beacon disagrees:
CNBC anchor Joe Kernen slammed the New York Times for “moral superiority” in its reporting on the CIA interrogation while ignoring that a majority of Americans support enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding.
“If the New York Times can occupy a position of moral superiority, they run with it–but they’re talking to a country that’s at 51-28,” Kernen said.
CNBC Washington correspondent John Harwood said Democrats can only push the issue of CIA interrogation so far before it becomes a political liability.
“The president himself, we’ve dropped a few drones where there may have been some unintended consequences as well,” Kernen said. “And the guys we do drop them on, we were not just trying to waterboard them. I think we’re trying to kill them, are we not?”
At one time, Harwood seemed somewhat centrist. He's obviously gone far to the right. Is he seriously asserting that the public, who knew nothing of what was really going on, would feel the same way once they actually knew what was done? Yes, he is. He's obviously been hired to discredit the New York Times and the rest of those liberal Democrats, no matter how accurate they may be.