December 29, 2014

His last album came out on BitTorrent with no announcement prior to release, which is a pretty gutsy move that ultimately paid off for Thom, ranking his endeavor as the highest legally-downloaded release on BitTorrent. This time, he's taken his work to Bandcamp, which not only features his most recent album, Tomorrow's Modern Boxes, but also his new, non-album single, "Youwouldn'tlikemewhenI'mangry." Pretty interesting to see a well-known indie artist like Thom to be releasing his stuff on a medium geared more toward lesser-known indie artists. Then again, Thom doesn't seem like the kind of guy who likes to take the conventional route. However, from my experience with the platform, I think Bandcamp is a good way to sell your music regardless of what level you're at, so we'll probably see more well-known indie artists follow him on this path.

What unconventional things have you seen your favorite artists do? Musically, business-oriented, or otherwise, be sure to share it in the comments!

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