December 11, 2014

I was a performing songwriter for years, and there's one thing I know: A really good song doesn't depend on the arrangement. Sure, layers of sound can make or break a popular tune (just ask Phil Spector), but "All I Want For Christmas" proves all that matters with a good song are the bones.

In 1994, Carey co-wrote and co-produced the song with Walter Afanasieff. It's been praised by the New Yorker as "one of the few worthy modern additions to the holiday canon."

From Wikipedia:

Barry Schwarz from Stylus Magazine, "to say this song is an instant classic somehow doesn't capture its amazingicity; it's a modern standard: joyous, exhilarating, loud, with even a hint of longing."

Carey has re-recorded the tune several times (including once with... Justin Beiber?) but this one might be my favorite. Hard to beat the casual charm of this version!

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