Is '' Property Of A Texas GOP Representative?
December 13, 2014

From the "Is it Appropriate for a United States Representative to own this" folder: It appears that Texas Representative and Extremely Pious Blake Farenthold may own a rather colorful domain name --


The website is registered to Republican Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold, according to an Internet registration page.

The website could have been registered by Farenthold, or possibly as a prank by someone not associated with the Texas conservative.

The telephone number that registered the domain goes to the Elect Blake Farenthold Committee and previously was associated with Farenthold Consulting Group, the congressman’s former computer consulting business.

According to Whoisology, the domain has been owned since 1999 and is currently renewed to 2015, though if you try to load it, the DNS won't resolve to any server at this time.

The Daily Mail says it was a prankster's registration, but offers no evidence to support that.

I'm going to call it a prank. Domain Tools reports changes to the nameservers in the last year. It's likely a prank, but a funny one nevertheless.


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