November 15, 2014

I want to highlight this as an example of how the right operates, versus the left.

If we behaved like the right, we would have immediately launched a round of social media outrage over the NERVE of this Senator who represents a conservative but not entirely conservative state. How DARE he speak of his constituents that way -- even if there are only two of them in the entire state?

How DARE he look down his nose at voters with such contempt. Why, it's an outrage! An outrage, and he should immediately step down for saying such awful things about people.

Or be raked over hot fiery Fox News coals. Or something.

MSNBC could have all the weekend shows gabbling over what he called progressives. Are they straight old liberals? What about the GAY liberals, hmmmm? Is he saying gay liberals aren't progressives? How DARE HE SAY THAT.

See how that works? But we don't do things like that because we're not postmodern conservatives. That's what they do. We at least try to either laugh or stick to facts. So whether Orrin Hatch likes it or not, the fact is that there are lots of gay progressives too. And yeah, we also happen to be liberal, which isn't a dirty word.

Apologies to Scarce for duplicating his story...he's got more details. I was doing the 'what if' thing.

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