November 15, 2014

Kirk Cameron, ex-Growing Pains star and fundamentalist Christian 'actor,' is tired of being misunderstood and labeled. Not missing a beat and trying to stay relevant, Cameron loathes being called stupid by leftist lunatics like Jonathan Gruber. He'd rather idolize perfect Christian breeders like the Duggars. 'Let's let pastors run for office,' said Jim Bob Duggar as he compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany. He likened the Holocaust's atrocities to sidelining good Christians who should be running for office. Duggar believes someone is stopping them from running?

Cameron sported a pullover from Liberty University, a shameful institute of higher learning that teaches the Bible is the supreme law of the land and preaches against the evils of homosexuality. In this post, he talks of a woman's place in the home and her importance in creating the perfect Christmas experience.

Cameron is the #oneluckyguy on Fox News' Outnumbered. He is perfectly understood at Fox News, unlike those other liberal media outlets who labeled him sexist for his version of what a woman's role should be. He thinks he is just a man trying to putting the Christ back in Christmas and where better to do that on the official "War on Christmas" network?

What was the most obvious display of sanctimonious Christian malarkey had to be Kirk's description of his experience with him and his daughter attending the Duggar wedding. Witnessing the purity of a 'first kiss' happening only after you say 'I do' is just so rare these days! The chaste and pure bride, Jessa Duggar, has the holier-than-thou opinion that abortion and atheism are akin to the Holocaust and evolution is just plain evil. (Purity aside, she and her husband were caught in a compromising position in the church where they'd just gotten married.)

The problem with people like the Duggars and the Camerons is, they truly believe they are morally superior than people who are not fundamentalist Christian Dominionists. It's impossible to hide when you idolize people who equate a lack of belief to the murder of over 6,000,000 innocents by Hitler. He makes it clear that his family values are the only correct values. A gay couple celebrating the holidays without Christ or heterosexual sex without procreation are just evil. Most of the people who watch Fox News are certain Kirk Cameron is the kind of Christian everyone should strive to be: misogynist, bigoted and homophobic: the Fox News Trifecta.

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