GOP wingnut Iowa Senate candidate would not commit to voting for Mitch McConnell for leader if she wins her election and the GOP retakes the Senate.
November 2, 2014

Anyone think Chuck Todd will call this statement by Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst "disqualifying?" Me either. Sadly her far right extremist views didn't already disqualify her with the voters in Iowa. While discussing her view that the Affordable Care Act should be "repealed and replaced" and Sen. Mitch McConnell's acknowledgement that it's not likely we're going to see that happen in the upcoming session of Congress even if Republicans do take back the Senate, Ernst refused to say whether she'd support McConnell for Majority Leader if the GOP does just that.

Joni Ernst Won't Commit To Backing McConnell As GOP Leader:

Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst (R) declined to say Saturday if she'd support Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY) as Republican leader if she wins the election.

"Well, I'm not there yet. Let's make it through November 4th, and then we will have some very serious discussions following that," she said in an appearance on Fox News. "As far as voting for a leader, once I am there then I will have those discussions."

Host Neil Cavuto told her it sounds like she isn't guaranteeing a vote for McConnell.

"Well, maybe not a guarantee, but I tell you what. I'm going to have to talk with a number of people, hear what their stances on the issues are. Right now it is about winning Iowa," Ernst said.

Here's to hoping the voters send both Ernst and McConnell packing so we don't get to find out how she'll vote.

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