November 28, 2014

While most of the country took the day off for the Thanksgiving holiday, the propaganda over at Faux "news" never stops. From the Thanksgiving day edition of America's Newsroom, Fox pundits Heather Childers, Leland Vittert and Ed Henry are just appalled that we might have some health care navigators out there passing out fliers to the Black Friday shoppers and making them aware that it's time for open enrollment again and what their options are for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

God forbid we allow "the holidays to be politicized," as they were carping about here, because we all know no one over at Fox would ever do that in a million years, right?

They also used the occasion to trot out Chuck Schumer's latest gift to the right wing, where he attacked Democrats for not doing more on the economy in the beginning of President Obama's first term in office and getting the ACA passed instead, because we all know that Schumer (D-Wall Street) is all about the little people and holding the bankers who tanked our economy accountable for their actions -- and his word is now sacrosanct in the world of Chuck Schumer's magical mystical mirror of political infallibility now loved by the right wing.

I have no idea if passing out fliers to Black Friday shoppers will do an ounce of good and get more people to sign up or not, but it seems like as good of an idea as any to remind everyone that it is time to go sign up for their insurance plans again and to help get the word out to as many people as possible.

That said, there is one thing I do know. If something helps the Obama administration or there's even a remote possibility that something will make them look good, the pundits over on Fox are going to be against it.

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