Far-right Christianist zealot Gordon Klingenschmitt was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives. He's most likely the first exorcism-practicing evangelical weirdo to hold that distinction. Obviously there is no candidate that embarrasses the right wing these days, it would appear.
The former Navy chaplain’s victory was not surprising, as Republicans outnumberDemocrats by a 2-to-1 margin in the El Paso County district Klingenschmitt now represents.
The notoriously anti-LGBT Klingenschmitt came to national attention last year, when he attempted to exorcise a “demonic spirit” from President Barack Obama.
“We pray against the domestic enemies of the Constitution,” Klingenschmitt said, his eyes tightly closed, “against this demon of tyranny who is using the White House occupant. That demonic spirit is oppressing us.”
I sure hope the people of Colorado who voted for Gordon "Demon of Rape" Klingenschmitt get what they voted for.