November 5, 2014

Naturally, Chuck Todd, the political wonk of MSNBC/NBC, was asked his opinion on the red tidal wave of the 2014 midterms. Chuck Todd says the Democrats

are in Stage 3 of grief.

Which means they've gotten over the denial/isolation stage, the anger stage and have arrived at the bargaining stage of grief. This means, Democrats still must conquer depression and acceptance.

So the Democrats have arrived at the stage that includes the what ifs ? But the what if that Chuckles forgets to mention is the absolute rejection of the President by the Democrats, which made them indistinguishable from the GOP. Clearly, Chuck proclaims, this election was a true repudiation of President Obama. In fact, he mentions the president's name (a.k.a. blame Obama) ten times in the three and a half minute interview.

The Republicans were disciplined and conciliatory that they have a "mandate to get stuff done." The Republicans think their mandate was to change the way Washington works. Is that so? They're not going to take cues from billionaires and the lobbyists that represent them?

Todd says both parties may come to a compromise on tax reform and energy. Except this is not going to be a compromise at all. The Republicans want more tax cuts for billionaires and fewer restrictions on pollution and this is where Democrats may have to concede? Is there any secret what the GOP wants here? The Meet the Press host seems to think that Democrats shouldn't be tough on those trivial matters. So it's a fait acompli that the Democrats should give in to Keystone and reform the tax code to screw the middle class more?

The real sticky issues, the matchstick issues, he predicts, are healthcare and immigration reform. He admonishes Democrats to follow the lead of Republicans on the immigration issue because Hispanics did not turn out on Election Day. He also hypothesizes that the GOP may or may not push for repealing the Affordable Care Act, and this might look like gridlock to the American people. Does Chuck really think that after 50 attempts to repeal the ACA they're not going to keep on trying? Does he believe the only thing on the minds of Americans is limiting abortion and pushing for school prayer? Really?

The purpose of the segment was to blame President Obama for Democratic candidates throwing him and his very positive record right under the bus. Let's praise the GOP who is so united in their goals and let's not mention what those goals are.

Now that two of the three branches of government (Legislative and Judicial) are in the hands of people who don't particularly believe in government, let's just sit back and not create any controversy. Let's all behave like good little minions and let the extremist science-denying lunatics take over. We wouldn't want to upset our corporate masters, right Chuck?

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