Kevin Jackson of the Blacksphere says there is no in-between for the left and the Grand Jury findings don't matter to liberals, who don't know their place.
November 22, 2014

Fox and Friends couldn't be happier with the situation brewing in Ferguson, Missouri. Fox News is projecting their desire to escalate racial tensions on the people who are organizing non-violent demonstrations on the behalf of murdered African-American young men at the hands of law enforcement. Schools are closed early for the Thanksgiving Holiday as a cautionary measure to prevent possible violence.

The reason for the tensions? What else, but the self-aggrandizing of Al Sharpton, that is, if you're one of the black men on the Fox News payroll. Kevin Jackson, Fox's resident Uncle Ruckus, blames the organized revolt on the civil rights activist. The race-pimpers are folks like Claire McCaskill, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, the original race-baiting, shit-stirrer.

The midterm elections showed that the nation has repudiated the values of the liberals and favors the prevailing white-supremacist attitudes of the region. Therefore, Jackson concludes, the verdict is irrelevant. Only money and notoriety is sought by those opposed to the brutal murder of an unarmed teen, seeking justice is out of the question. After all, the actions of Mike Brown, prior to his encounter with the cops, basically doomed him to death. Everyone knows that, Jackson seems to think.

Of course tensions are high. The movement to back Darren Wilson by Tea Party types and KKK members in the area have clashed with supporters of the Brown family. With the recent revelation of two "Black Panthers" seeking explosives (although those charges are pending) there's no doubt the majority of non-violent members of the black community are secretly sowing the seeds of armed protest.

Niger Innis, Fox's other black tea party member, was fomenting more Black Panther fear. In this segment, he claims the only reason for Al Sharpton to be involved in this movement is money.

So there you go. The situation in Ferguson is volatile only because of black people not behaving. It's not because of the wrongdoings of the police, but because these people just don't know their place. Join the ranks of the KKK-rich Tea Party and then you too, African-Americans, can profit off injustice, like Jackson and Innis.


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