October 15, 2014

As Fox News has a meltdown over the Ebola virus that they seem to hope will spread for good ratings, one of their favorite liberal, immigration and Obama basher of theirs is MIA from the entire situation. He's the governor of Texas, the state that has the only known cases of Ebola in the the country.

With the breathless fearmongering that's been going on from the conservarazzi over the Ebola virus, you would think that Rick Perry would have held a couple of press conferences to reassure his constituents that there's nothing to fear because the Ebola virus isn't airborne. Actually, his words about Ebola have been very level-headed and surprisingly close to what the experts say we should be doing:

In the Ebola case, he's cautioned against overreacting to the potential spread of the deadly disease. Last week, he opposed travel bans between the U.S. and African countries suffering outbreaks, saying that a screening process for travelers “makes better sense.”

Why isn't he appearing all over our TV sets trying to calm down Americans from unfounded fears spread for political purposes?

Inquiring minds want to know where he is:

Ebola's in Texas. Rick Perry's in Europe.

If you're governor of Texas, it's probably best to stay close to home during hurricane season and when Ebola is spreading in your state. This week, Rick Perry is in Europe.

The governor's absence comes as a second Ebola case has been diagnosed in Dallas, triggering a leadership test and opportunity to look presidential — or ineffectual — on the national stage as he contemplates a second White House bid.

Perry, in a stroke of bad timing, is on a previously scheduled economic development trip to England, Germany, Poland and Ukraine. He's scheduled to give a speech in London on Tuesday at the Royal United Services Institute. In addition to holding business meetings in each country, he also plans to explore opportunities to expand the export of liquefied natural gas from Texas to Poland and Ukraine

OMG, say it ain't so? He left his home state to run to Europe for a conference while an infectious disease is on the loose there? (That's what Fox News would have you believe anyway) Where's those leadership skills that he's been telling us about? Doesn't the governor have a duty to protect his people and take an active role in a situation like this?

If I was a right wing blogger like say Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit, I'd probably be telling you that an unnamed source has confirmed that Rick Perry left Texas because he was afraid he might become contaminated with the disease and he's a also a major germophobe.

I wonder why the media elites haven't bothered to ask why Rick Perry has been AWOL so far in the Ebola scare they've been heavily promoting?

Can you help us out?

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