October 28, 2014

Fox's Tucker Carlson pulls yet another giant straw man out of his hind side while taking a shot at one of the right's favorite punching bags, Al Sharpton.

From Sean Hannity's show this Monday evening while discussing whether the Ebola nurse should have been quarantined:

HANNITY: Tucker, we're quarantining our military for twenty one days in Italy. This nurse, I understand she's upset. We'll talk about it more later, but seriously? If you're in contact with Ebola patients, you need to be quarantined. I think that's just basic common sense.

CARLSON: No, but Ebola, that's bigoted. Ebola's from Africa Sean. You know that.

HANNITY: So I'm being a bigot for saying it? If you go to Africa and you're...

CARLSON: Look, no, no. This is really simple. It's a handy rule of thumb. If you're in disagreement on a policy level with the administration, you're bigoted. Ask their chief domestic policy adviser Al Sharpton. Really, really simple.

HANNITY: Yeah. Alright.

I can't imagine why anyone would call him a bigot, can you?


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