October 13, 2014

Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican Senator who Lindsey Graham said is not ready to be president, has sharp criticism of the Obama Administration's ISIL strategy. The man with zero military experience believes, like every good hawkish Republican, that we need a definite ground campaign to defeat the Islamic State. The GOP talking point is this is a "Deeply Flawed Strategy."

President Obama has "reluctantly" dealt with this problem too late, Rubio believes. The president is far too committed to trying to keep this country out of more conflicts, and Republicans of course would like us entangled in anything that benefits the Military Industrial Complex.

Secretary of State Kerry spoke of the Syrian border town of Kobani which is engaged in a tough fight with ISIL. Things are not going well for the Syrians in this battle, but air strikes have definitely helped. Token blonde Fox News female, Martha MacCallum, with a big grin on her face, responded to Kerry's sound bite:

Sounds to me like he's preparing everybody for failure there.

So Rubio continued with his Debbie Downer impression. He mourned further, "despite these airstrikes, they keep winning...Despite air strikes, they're taking major cities." One other problem was Turkey's reluctance to allow the coalition to use Incirlik AFB to wage strikes. They did finally agree to open the base for airstrikes, but no ground assault is planned, yet. They have their own beef with the Kurds, so they are not eager to sacrifice their troops to save them.
Rubio went on a rampage of the only Muslim country in NATO despite his party's criticism of Joe Biden for doing that same thing. Once again, he publically criticized his own Commander in Chief and insulted an ally on national television.

"The Turks have more at stake than we do. They are members of NATO, they should act like members of NATO."

If only someone at Fox News would say, "remember the Dixie Chicks?"

MacCallum asked an obvious question:

Is there support in the senate for U.S. troops on the ground?

If you ask a Republican, of course we always need more war. Rubio believes that we've got to defeat them on the ground. We need to move forward on a plan that includes Jordan, Turkey, the Saudis and Iraqis. But don't expect this fundamentally flawed Commander in Chief to listen to the generals.

Rubio praises military leaders:

Dempsey will not run political cover for this White House.

Unfortunately, part of the president's deeply flawed strategy, is ignoring everyone's advice and doing what he pleases. God only tells President Bush what to do, President Obama hasn't mentioned one conversation he's had with the almighty. Remember all the brilliant strategic decisions in the ex-post-facto-successful Iraq War?

Let's not forget in February, 2014 how Rubio voted with 40 other GOP Senators to block a bill to help veterans. He'll be the first one leading the charge to war, but will be the first one to throw the wounded veterans under the bus. Once again, Fox News chooses the worst people to provide their infotainment.


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