October 5, 2014

You know it's just another Sunday when there's a Republican on Meet The Press who has to mention those Democrat Senators, and no one corrects the jab at the Senate Majority DEMOCRATIC Party. Chuckles interviewed RNC Chairman and Official GOP Whiner in Chief, Reince Priebus. Chuck showed the two screenshots of what is called the Republican Principles for American Renewal. Todd said these are just talking points, there's no policy there.
Reince whined back,

"That's just not true. We called for a balanced budget (balanced on the backs of poor people), that's policy, we called for school choice (charter schools), that's policy. We call for the president adhering to the Constitution and not violating the law and abiding by what we call the Separation of Powers Act in the Constitution."


Todd was trying to show the lack of unity in the GOP. Priebus countered with: when you can put John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Tony Perkins and the Tea Party Express on the same page, what you have is a unified party and as far as a wave is concerned, I don't know what polls you're looking at, but if you look at Arkansas, you look at Alaska, South Dakota, West Virginia, Louisiana, if you go to Colorado, you're seeing Republicans in the lead. so look, with a month out I'd much rather be where we're at then where the Democrats are at. I think we will win the Senate. The question is are we gonna win with 6,7 or 8 seats. He's not being too optimistic, is he? Is Tony Perkins and Ted Cruz being unified a good thing?

Todd asks, are social issues working against you guys? He said we address family issues (but that's as specific he got on that). Then he uses the cliché, The fact of the matter is and followed that up with, "the real unemployment rate is 11.8% (no citation). The president's policies are not working. The president said Friday that his policies are not on the ballot, if he's on the ballot it's going to be a pretty bad year for Democrats." The fact of the matter, Priebus, is, you have no new ideas, policies or plans for America.

Todd reminds Reince that unemployment's below 6%. He's not having any of that factual data, he came equipped with his own facts. The scandals he cites as proof things are just going so terribly are issues that largely have no impact on most Americans. Reince says, "The labor participation rate is at record lows, people today don't feel better off than they were 5 years ago;... the GSA, the IRS, Syria, Ebola, the Secret Service, what's going well in regard to this administration and those Senators that have followed this president lock step?"

Most Americans are serviced by the Secret Service, I assume, and the solitary U.S. case of Ebola is really killing Americans? Showing he is a tool of the Kochs, Reince mentioned the Keystone Pipeline. It will solve all our energy needs, never mentioning that none of that oil will be used here in America and it could destroy millions of acres of vital farmland and water sources. He came to show that his party cares mainly about abortion, helping the 1% and keeping taxes low on those who should be paying to fix this broken nation. There's your new and improved Meet the Press.

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