So I'm sure you all know that yesterday the very political heart of my country, our federal Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, was the scene of what was very likely a terrorist attack. (There is a great deal that remains unclear/unknown, and so I don't think we can be certain about anything at this point.) I would just like to point out that the measured, cautious approach taken by (most of) our (mainstream) news media stood in stark contrast to the sensationalist fearmongering coming from south of the border. Regardless, look for this whole incident to be oversimplified and used to score political points as well, because, sadly, that's just how it is these days. Actually, it's already happening, from all the usual suspects.
BeggarsCanBeChoosers: The hidden, long-term, disastrous cost of fracking.
Lawyers, Guns & Money: The self-destructive problem with candidates like Martha Coakley.
Just an Earth-Bound Misfit, I: The inadequate legal response to the Nisour Square massacre.
P.M. Carpenter: The missed conservative strategy of red-state Democrats.
Seeing the Forest: The plutocratic persuasions of a potential Republican Senate.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.
Send requests and suggestions to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).