October 23, 2014

Sean Hannity once again wins the prize for being one of the most repulsive figures on Faux "news." If anyone thought it would take more than a day for someone at Fox to figure out a way to attack President Obama over the shooting in Canada, they were sadly mistaken.

From our friend Ellen at News Hounds: Hannity Uses Ottawa Attack To Smear President Obama:

In case you were wondering how Fox News would use the shooting rampage in Ottawa against President Obama, your wait is over. Hint: It has a lot to do with saying the word “terror” and the “secret Muslim” dog whistle.

It was repeatedly remarked on Fox today that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper characterized the attack as a terror attack, with an unspoken insinuation that he had the stones Obama doesn’t. Even though, unlike the Fort Hood shooter (whom Fox demands be called a terrorist) the Canadian shooter had already been flagged as high risk and his passport seized.

But to Sean Hannity, the fact that Canada had nonetheless not stopped the shooter before he killed was of no significance next to the fact that Harper used the word “terror.” And Hannity was ready to use that against President Obama who is more circumspect with that terminology. In an interview with “terrorism expert” Steve Emerson, Hannity asked:

Compare and contrast for us if you can, the Canadian prime minister – no hesitation, immediately identified this as likely terror and our own president once again is reluctant and resistant. Why?

The choice of Emerson as a guest is quite telling. As FAIR has extensively documented, Emerson has a history of hawking misinformation in his zeal to attack Muslims. FAIR’s report concludes that “Emerson’s career suggests his priority is not so much news as it is an unrelenting attack against Arabs and Muslims.” Not surprisingly, Hannity thinks Emerson is just ducky.

Hannity’s question unleashed a diatribe against President Obama that came close to suggesting his Muslim sympathies might be responsible for the attack. Read on...

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