Gossip, rumors, and scandals, oh my!
Someone I know has put together a website for political operatives, insiders, relatives or former babysitters of political candidates who want to go to confession. (Or just do a plain old oppo dump.) But you don't have to know something for a fact, you can share rumors, too! (For instance, that scurrilous tale about why Mitch McConnell was discharged from the Navy. Tsk, tsk!)
It's called Fucked Candidate, and it's inspired by the now-defunct Fucked.company.com.
For obvious reasons, I can't tell you who. I can tell you this person has taken great pains to ensure that all submissions are anonymous and are not logged (including visitor's IP address). A lot of work has gone into protecting people's anonymity.
All rumor and scandal submissions are automatically tweeted. Just follow @Col_Ipswitch.
You don't have to contribute, obviously. It's just as much fun to read -- even though we have no way of knowing the truth, of course.
The site currently covers every federal congressional and state house elected offices including elected officials and candidate for office.
Disclaimer: Crooks and Liars doesn't have any relation whatsoever to this site.