Always the defenders of Republicans' voter suppression efforts, Fox and Friends' Brian Kilmeade sought out one of the small handful of black republicans who think it's just fine to stack the deck against African-Americans in politics. In a campaign to get out the black vote, Georgia's Democratic organizers are using flyers that link poor voter turnout to the likelihood of more Mike Brown-tragedies. Based on the demographics of Ferguson, it is precisely the low black voter turnout that is responsible for the lopsided representation of the majority of citizens of that Missouri city. African Americans make up roughly 12% of the national population but only 4.3% of city councils and 2% of mayors.
If you're not sure who Kevin Jackson is, think Clarence Thomas, Allen West or any other (self-serving) Black Republican. When the Ferguson situation became understandably volatile, a week after the Mike Brown's murder, the Fox News people quickly scooped up a token black Republican to defend Officer Darren Wilson. The founder of the Blacksphere, an online advocacy for all things GOP, believed Wilson acted appropriately by killing an unarmed black teenager. Jackson is described as a highly sought after national speaker, whose blog is a subsidiary of a vehemently racist organization, The Liberty Alliance. With headlines like Riots, Welfare, Racism, and Rampage: Obama's Legacy of Hopelessness, they gin up hysteria over all things liberal, Obama and the Left. Headed by Biblical fanatic Brandon Vallorani, this Dominionist group tries to appear diverse with subgroups like The Blacksphere with Kevin Jackson.
It's obvious Jackson is well versed in the common digs that most Fox pundits use, especially calling it "The Democrat party." Jackson calls the attempt at exploiting this technique a muse, but then rephrases it as a ruse later, but never did he acknowledge his mistake.
Republicans are very bad at self-criticism. A confused 82-year old woman told Jackson she'd be voting Republican for the first time because Democrats screwed up this Ferguson situation. (Like President Obama screwed up at that Dallas hospital).
Kilmeade said, in closing,
Sometimes these things do work, as abhorrent as it is.
Yeah, Kilmeade, stating facts and defending the deceased is abhorrent, but Republican cheating and voter suppression is good family values.