That silly DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, still insists that Democrats are going to maintain control of the Senate when the Washington Post Election Lab gives the GOP a 93% chance of taking the Senate.
"God bless her," Dana Loesch, author of the new book "Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America," said on "Fox and Friends" this morning.
She's just so pathetic to this condescending gun oil salesman and 2nd Amendment grifter, how could Schultz be so naive to think the DNC can defeat Koch money? Perhaps Loesch is right, but she wasn't on the curvy couch to forecast the midterms. She was still peddling her latest book, and like any good Republican, trying to fleece the public of every penny to promote the agenda of the NRA.
Alas, the big regret of the GOP: they are not dominating the culture war in their Seven Mountains Dominionist dogma. Loesch says,
"Republicans are competing in a liberal society, a very progressive society, so it's very difficult," she explained. Loesch also discussed New York State banning guns for 34,500 people deemed mentally unstable under the 2013 NY SAFE Act, which Loesch described as a "terrifying Pandora's box of government regulation" that takes away citizens' Second Amendment rights without due process.
It's very hard to compete with the liberally-minded society because Republicans don't know how to compete with progressive "pop culture." Republicans are "afraid to engage and don't know how to engage." Gee, we hardly noticed, Dana. You mean a KKK Teaparty gathering doesn't make for a good Hollywood plot?
The New York ruling on those denied their 2nd Amendment remedies is now a slippery slope to full disarmament of America. She believes there's a war on women when anyone's rights to own a gun are limited. She said that firearms are the ultimate equalizer, and she gave her height and weight, said she felt six foot two and 250 pounds, when she's got her "equalizer." She said we've always had the right to be armed, even before we had the right to vote.
No sale is complete without a full frontal assault on President Atheist-Gun-Grabber. She comes from a family of "clingers" referencing 2008 Candidate Obama's comments about people clinging to their guns and religion. That makes her so much better than us liberal folks who prefer fewer guns and a saner society.