October 23, 2014

Bill O'Reilly is upset because he feels the Left are vilifying him and others for whipping up fears in our country about the Ebola virus spreading and ISIS terror attacks coming to a city near you so after doing a segment on the Canadian shootings, he then went into his Talking Points Memo segment called: Scaring Americans

Obama's supporters are blaming the fear factor and commentators like myself and others for instilling fear among the population. And fear is being used to damage the president.

You may remember that whenever there's a mass shooting in America, which happens quite often, Bill is quick to point out that we should give it at least 24 hours before we start speculating about the shooter's ideology and what caused it because that's so uncouth, immoral and irresponsible. It took him less than a few hours to link the Canadian terror attacks to the idea that Americans should be very afraid of terrorists attacks here.

After he bashed Eugene Robinson for being a far left loon, he then addressed all his concerns. Ebola, he said will not be an epidemic on America, but since the Feds and the CDC handled it so poorly, we should all be terribly afraid. You will never get Ebola, but some of your fellow citizens might and that's frightening. Restrictions on African visas should have been imposed so that's frightening too. See, is that fearmongering?

He then listed his complaints and added his phony solutions and then delved into the Canada attacks.

O'Reilly: Now on to ISIS and other terrorist activity. Some far left folks "not all that concerned," they want to stay out of it. They don't even want to mention the Jihad or Muslim terrorism in general. It's over there. Why should we be afraid? Tell that to the families of the two Canadian soldiers killed this week in their own country by terrorists. Striking out at random. All sane people should be fearful of terrorist activity all over the world.

As I said earlier, it didn't take him long to link the Canadian attacks to terrorism (It might be, but hasn't been confirmed yet) and then link them to the U.S. and terrorist attacks coming soon.
Bill O freaked out because the media accurately described the Norway shooter, Breivik as a Christian. After years of hearing him tell us we need to be patient after the Arizona shooting or the Sandy Hook massacre , he jumps right in and fearmongers the Canadian shootings.

What a cowardly hypocrite.

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