Arizona State Rep. Michele Reagan, who is now running to be Secretary of State got tied up in knots after she was asked why she voted for the wingnut "Birther Bill." Reagan refused to answer the questions and kept repeating that their state laws are what need to be followed now. When the interview kept the pressure up and admonished her for voting for a bill that embarrassed the entire state, Reagan stumbled again and then kept to her rehearsed answers. It was not a pretty moment for her, nor should it be. I do hope supporting psychos that pushed for the birther bill has consequences.
In and interview with 12 News, the Republican candidate for Arizona Secretary of State deflected questions about why she supported a so-called “birther bill” when she was in the state legislature. “In 2011,” the interviewer asked, “you voted for the ‘birther bill,’ which required [presidential] candidates to prove their citizenship to the secretary of state of Arizona — would the presidential candidates in 2016 have to prove their citizenship to you?”
After an uncomfortably long pause, Reagan replied, “I just think we need to follow the state laws, and the state laws are pretty clear and, um, what is required in state law is what needs to be followed. As secretary of state, the laws are very clear.”
Why vote this way though?” the interviewer interrupted. “Do you believe president Obama needed to show his birth certificate to the secretary of state?” “I believe,” she replied, “that what is in state law is sufficient.” “Then why vote for that bill? It was an embarrassment to our state,” he said. “Do you recognize that?” “I realize that what’s in state law right now is sufficient,” she replied.
“Do you regret that vote?” he asked.
“There are certain things that, uh, I think that, uh, state law is sufficient, and we don’t need to revisit that or go back and change that,” she replied.
Haven't we had enough Katherine Harris' for one lifetime? I sure hope Arizonans hold her accountable for a vote that embarrassed their entire state.
Here's the video of the interview here.