I offer this story not as some legitimate tale of righteous outrage, but as a shining example of how the right wing uses non-events to blow something out of proportion and blow smoke over the really important issues. Another name for this is the Fox Effect.
Obama's salute with a coffee cup in his hand earlier today was caught by the NRCC, who tweeted it right away in order to be sure their fundraising gambit had some legs.
That set off all the stupid wingers: Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, even Allen West:
Fox News contributor Todd Starnes piled on:
And they were off to the races.
Never mind that we're dropping bombs in Syria and Iraq. Never mind that the President gave a pretty strong speech at the United Nations today. Never mind that unemployment is still kicking the shit out of people and Congress has taken seven damn weeks off to vacation while the rest of us just glean whatever tidbits are tossed our way.
Never mind all that, because the President had a coffee cup in his hand when he saluted.
With all disrespect intended, wingnuts, where were you when this happened?
Or this?
I'm sure Judge Jeanine Pirro is already writing her five minutes of enraged ranting for the week about it.
These people really are idiots.