The world ice levels are actually in balance, and the oceans aren’t rising. Island nations such as Fiji and Vanuatu that were supposedly in danger of disappearing are still there...It’s the ultimate in presumption to assume that the planet will be thrown hopelessly out of balance by a few extra puffs of the stuff that makes plants grow and flowers bloom.
The reality is the polar ice caps are melting at record levels. The President of the Marshall Islands begs to differ with the Republican science-deniers at the Washington Times.
Lying just two meters above sea level, my atoll nation stands at the frontline in the battle against climate change. The beaches of Buoj where I use to fish as a boy are already under water, and the fresh water we need to grow our food gets saltier every day.
The "conservative" (we should call them "regressive," not conservative) editorial mocks all those outraged by the unchecked global warming that science has proven is a FACT. There are even studies that have shown that abandoning fossil fuels in favor of renewables actually can be more profitable, not an economic hindrance.
The fact is, humans are going to have to adapt to a world enduring climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions from people burning fossil fuels. Renewables help reduce the climate-changing, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.