September 15, 2014

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took Sen. Huckleberry J. Butchmeup (h/t Charlie Pierce) for his unhinged bedwetting rant over the weekend, where he warned that the "gates of hell" would "spill out onto the world" if President Obama didn't get some boots on the ground to confront ISIS right away.

And as Stewart rightfully noted, it's not just this recent nonsense. Graham's been doing this sort of thing for at least the last thirteen years, which is why this is the reaction most people had if they were unfortunate enough to catch his rant this weekend.

Really? All of us?

STEWART: Of course, we have to take the "we're all going to die"... we have to take it very seriously because of Lindsey Graham's reputation for even keeled understatement.

Like when he was talking about not letting people have assault weapons. [...]

On balancing the budget. [...]

Iran's nuclear program.

The poor man lives his life trapped in the Blair Witch Project. For God's sake, I've seen chihuahuas in handbags who are less fretful and shaking.


STEWART: But even more impressive, Lindsey Graham has sustained this level of panic for 13 years, even though many of the boogiemen that live under his bed... (whispers) aren't really there at all.

Just watch the rest and enjoy. The wrap up with Samantha Bee is hilarious.

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