September 9, 2014

I'm not sure what advice these talking heads on Fox & Friends think President Obama would get from former President George W. Bush other than to hurry up and clean up his mess a bit faster in the Middle East, but they're terribly enamored with the idea of Obama doing just that after watching Bill Clinton and Bush "yuck it up" at the launch of their new scholars program at four presidential centers.

DOOCY: Look at these guys. They had a great time together.

KILMEADE: Well they have and they talk to each other constantly as we found out and confirmed by Bill Clinton, especially during his second term. They spoke weekly about forty minutes. In fact they talked about the interaction and how they leaned on each other. Listen. […]

KOOIMAN: You wonder if President Obama does the same thing, talking to Bush and asking him for some advice, you know, obviously...

DOOCY: According to the Ed Klein book the Obamas and the Clintons don't like each other.


DOOCY: So I don't know that anybody's calling them.

KOOIMAN: Well, yeah. I mean even just talking to President Bush though. I mean, how much would that help being that he fought two wars, one of them in Iraq on the very same soil, and pretty much everything that President Bush has said about not leaving a strong enough residual force and the warnings about what could happen have come true.

KILMEADE: Well listen to this. Nixon was used by every president after he was, left office. Think about how often, I remember JFK said he went out of his way, he didn't tell me this, but if you read the biographies, he went out of his way to call Eisenhower on almost every major international decision out of respect and out of interest to see what a forty something year old would ask a general who was president for eight years.

It's a tradition which seems to have stopped here.

STOOCY: Well, you know, you listen to some people and they say this president doesn't need anybody else's opinion because he believe that he is correct on all matters.

KILMEADE: Let's bring it to the question today. Do you think President Obama should or is calling President Bush, or the fact that he ran against everything Bush was, would that make him a hypocrite?

DOOCY: He should call all of them. Call all of the ex-presidents.

KILMEADE: Because they all have relationships with other countries, other people.

DOOCY: And what was refreshing about that was a Democrat was yucking it up with a Republican and you could tell that they actually got along and when you think about Washington, wouldn't we like to see more of that?

KOOIMAN: Yeah, put your differences aside and just have a ball together.

Kooiman seems to have a bad case of selective amnesia when it comes to something her buddy Bush signed called a status of forces agreement with the Iraqis.

h/t Media Matters


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