September 18, 2014

Let's ramp up the eliminationist talk, shall we? What we have here is a super duper gun barrel which has been dubbed "The Obama's Blaster" by Ares Armor.

Their video above is the marketing piece that goes with it. Dubbed "The Commemorative 'Yes We Can' Build a Firearm Product', it's intended to say exactly what you think it says.


The barrel is being sold on the website of Ares Armor, and the listing features both a video that showcases the product and a short description thanking "President Barack Obama for being the distinguished firearms industry spokesman and salesman of all time."

The description also includes a hint of birtherism, describing Obama as an "alien."

Much like Marvin, Barry is believed to be an alien and also was in possession of an illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator. Unfortunately for us, Barry believes that the United States is not only blocking his view of Venus, but is also blocking his social and political views with our pesky Constitution. Luckily, after 2,000 years of research and when he was finally ready to use the Illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator to destroy the Constitution and the United States, Bugs Bunny saved the day and destroyed this device!If good ol’ Barry had been in possession of a “blaster” such as this, maybe things would have been different for Bugsy. It might have actually been Rabbit season.

The company includes a disclaimer at the end of the description that notes it is a "very clear case of Parody (sic) for the purpose of symbolic speech."

Yeah, sure it's parody. Sure it is. These are nasty, evil people who really see nothing wrong with this. And they have guns. In other countries, those guys are called terrorists.

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