The tragic story of the nine year old that accidentally shot and killed her instructor Charles Vacca, while trying to learn how to shoot an Uzi just got more bizarre.
TPM has the details:
Staff at an Arizona gun range reportedly told investigators that the release forms signed by the family of a 9-year-old girl who accidentally killed her instructor with an Uzi last week were unavailable because they had been "blown away by the wind."
The victim, Charles Vacca, was wounded in the head when the 9-year-old girl he was instructing lost control of the Uzi when the gun recoiled. The investigators spoke with the girl's family and the staff of the shooting range and attempted to get the release forms that had apparently been signed by the family, according to the report.
Sgt. J. Thien described his attempt to get the releases in the report:
I phoned Lieut. McNally advising him of the situation. He advised me to get release information for the shooters to be on the range. After ascertaining this information, I was told by the supervisor that the releases went into the wind during this incident. Deputy Cassidy search for these with negative results.
Here's deputy B. Cassidy's description of his attempt to locate the release forms:
Sgt. Thein and then instructed me to obtain copies of the release waivers signed by the family I was informed by staff that the waivers were blown away by the wind after the incident had occurred.
The 12-page investigative report revealed the names of the girl's mother and father, but her name, as well as those of her siblings, was blacked out. According to the report, the girl's family didn't realize Vacca had been shot because they were concerned by their daughter's reaction and possible shoulder injury.
This is a horrible story and Charles Vacca's family lost a husband and a father all of thirty nine years old because of the insane ideas put forth by the NRA and if true, the parents have a lot to answer for allowing a child to even pick up a freaking Uzi in the first place.