If there's anyone who should be crawling under a rock, it's this guy: Joe The Plumber: Hold A Job Fair In Ferguson, Protestors Will 'Scatter Like Cockroaches':
Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as "Joe the Plumber," took to Facebook on Wednesday to post his thoughts about the ongoing conflict in Ferguson, Mo. and compared the protestors to "cockroaches."
In two separate Facebook posts, Wurzelbacher speculated about the clashes and looting that have broken out in Ferguson in the wake of the killing of a black unarmed teen by a white police officer:
As Steve M. noted, they just held a job fair in June with thousands turning out and the city held an impromptu job fair this week after another shooting in north St. Louis. Who needs facts when it's so much easier to post racist images like the ones above on your Facebook page?