Of all the criticisms I've heard of the President, this one struck me as one of the most absurd, especially coming from a former intelligence officer and professional opinionator who floats with the tide of Fox memes without really ever giving serious thought to what comes out of his mouth.
While slamming Obama his Middle East policy, Colonel Peters called President Obama "the amazing shrinking president, a tiny man in a well-tailored suit.”
This, coming from the man who, one year ago yesterday, said that involvement in Syria could go from "stupid to deadly."
Peters discussed the “civilizational catastrophe of Middle Eastern Islam,” noting savagery toward women and hatred.
“I mean, without getting too Orwellian, we have seen Islamic civilization, which was teetering on a cliff, go over the cliff in the Middle East, and Obama is chasing unicorns," he said.
Peters slammed Obama as “the amazing shrinking president, a tiny man in a well-tailored suit.”
He said that the United Arab Emirates sent their planes through Egypt to hit targets in Libya and didn’t tell us because they can’t trust us. Peters charged the Obama administration with routinely “backing the bad guys.”
“The world turned upside down, Obama doesn’t understand radical Islam, he doesn’t understand the Middle East, and, oh by the way, he doesn’t understand the American people, and worst of all, he doesn’t care.”
You know, the last time Ralph Peters accused President Obama of being a "pantywaist" he ended up looking like a fool.
Karma's a bitch, isn't she?