August 17, 2014

Governor Jay Nixon (D. MO) has been making the morning talk show rounds to basically refuse to give straight answers on police accountability in Ferguson, MO:

On NBC's "Meet the Press," Nixon said that the release of the video did lead to the unrest on Friday and Saturday nights.

"To attempt to in essence disparage the character of this victim in the middle of a process is not right. It’s just not right," he said. "And secondarily, it did put the community, and quite frankly the region and the nation, on alert again. These are old wounds. These are deep wounds in these communities. And that action was not helpful."

NBC's Andrea Mitchell asked if the Ferguson police would be held acountable for releasing the video.

"We’ve had very serious discussions about that action and how much we thought that it was not the right way to handle the victim’s family, which I had a chance to speak with," Nixon responded. "They were deeply troubled, and when you see your son gunned down in the street and then you see a police chief begin an attempt to attack his character, that’s just not the way to operate.”

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