July 29, 2014

Rand Paul is making the play for the black voters these days, ostensibly by appearing at their meetings and claiming some sort of kinship with them.


So that’s Rand Paul up there, speaking to the Urban League today as part of his continuing efforts at minority outreach. And it’s too bad he said something so inarticulate, because he made some otherwise good points. Enforcing the Voting Rights Act? Remarkably this is a controversial position for a Republican in 2014, so good for you, Rand Paul. Reforming our ridiculous sentencing laws for drug convictions? Okay! Trying to empathize with minorities by calling yourself one because of your ideology? Um…

As a public service for Rand Paul, we’ve put together a handful of scenarios to help him understand the problem with his little dumbass statement. Read on...

Oh, I see. He's the libertarian minority? Alrighty then.

There is nothing Rand Paul won't do to snag that 2016 nomination, including pretending that being a libertarian is just like being a black person. Or a woman. Or whatever other voting bloc Baby Paul is looking to dupe.

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