The best part of this clip is seeing Obama with his sleeves rolled up punching Republicans right in the nuts. The second best part of the clip is watching Greg Gutfeld and Andrea "Show the Leg" Tantaros try to pretend he didn't land it.
Obama's speech in Austin, TX Thursday was more direct than he's been about Congress in quite some time. Clearly it hit a nerve with the Fox frat crowd. In the opener, Gutfeld found about six new ways to troll the president in retaliation. It might play with the Fox fantasy viewers, but reality-based folks will have a more difficult time swallowing it.
The problem here isn't the president. As he pointed out, he's being sued for doing what he can to mitigate the fact that Congress refuses to govern.
In the span of three minutes, these two called President Obama arrogant, condescending, aloof, disconnected, a party boy, defiant, out of touch, and unable to grasp reality.
Tantaros cited three examples of why she's so offended at the President's demeanor: The Middle East, the border, and the VA.
The first one is in the hands of the leaders of the countries in conflict. The last two are the sole responsibility of a Congress that has chosen to sit on its hands, and worse yet, waste time with a frivolous lawsuit against President Obama for their failure to govern.
Troll away, kids. We all know you really want to call President Obama uppity, but can't on national television. Nor can you admit what failures you've been at governance, choosing instead to name-call and deflect.
It's clear who the high schoolers are in the room, and the President isn't one of them.