On Fox News last week, Bob Beckel used an ethnic slur when he was bashing the Chinese and went on the air today to apologize --or did he?
July 14, 2014

On Fox news last week, Bob Beckel, the token liberal on The Five, used an ethnic slur when he was bashing the Chinese government by calling their people, "Chinamen." This received a lot of attention around the media and the blogosphere and eventually two Democratic politicians in California, Judy Chu and Ted Lieu, called for his resignation over the slur.

Judy Chu, a Democratic U.S. congresswoman from California, said on Monday she was deeply offended and that Beckel should go immediately.

"He condemns an entire ethnic group as being threats to national security and uses racial slurs while doing so," Chu said in a statement. "The implications go far beyond the Chinese community by promoting a culture of intolerance that has no place in our society."--

Ted Lieu, who represents suburban Los Angeles and is running for the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat, called himself "one of those 'Chinamen' with 'Oriental' eyes" who immigrated to the United States and majored in computer science.

"I also served on active duty in the United States Air Force and continue to serve my country in the Reserves," Lieu said. "Mr. Beckel's comments are more than just racist and stupid. His ignorant views are dangerous."

So today it was announced that Beckel would make a statement to address his use of the word and, boy, did he ever.

Beckel: I made some comments last week about the Chinese people which apparently upset some people for which I apologize. However, my comments will not be, I don not apologize for some things I've said about China, and I won't go into the litany of it now because there's too many China apologists in this country, but I will continue to warn the American people how dangerous China is to the American people, the US security and to our business community and but those who were offended I apologize, I do not apologize to the Chinese government or for their habits or for their murders or anything else.

Sorry, Bob, but that's not an apology at all. In fact, it's another slap in the face of all the Asian people he offended. He used his apology to say the same things he said while calling them "Chinamen." And apparently calling him out for using an ethnic slur is now considered being a Chinese apologist. No wonder he found a home on Fox news.

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