Steve Stockman is really working hard to deflect from his own legal and ethical problems. Unlike Lois Lerner, who is innocent until proven guilty and is under no obligation to say anything to Darrell Issa and his gang of Inquisitors.
Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer.
But Kelly revealed none of that information.
Kelly was obviously skeptical when she asked Stockman, “So you want the Sergeant of Arms (sic) of the U.S. Congress to go knock on (Lerner’s) door, pick her up and throw her in, I guess, a D.C. jail?”
That’s exactly what Stockman wanted:
Yeah, this is just the same as if you have a contempt citation in a court of law where you don’t obey and the judge can order you arrested. Congress looks inept when we don’t carry through. We issued a contempt order against her and we need to act upon it.
Stockman called the Department of Justice process “a farce” and said that only a simple majority in the House would be needed. “She would be arrested and brought to jail,” he added.
This guy is involved in making laws and policy for the whole country when he doesn't even understand how the Fifth Amendment works?