Another one for your Saturday C-SPAN hit parade. This call was taken on July 4th during a discussion of American exceptionalism. The topic itself invites trolls, and they obliged.
"John" from Maryland begins by talking about World War II and how the Germans were winning until Americans joined the war effort. He seamlessly transitions from that thought into the statement that "Obama thinks he's above what his powers are," uppity guy that he is.
From there, it just descends into a minute of pure insanity. Here's the transcript.
Obama thinks he's above what his powers are. They're calling him a monarch, I think he thinks he's an emperor. And this is what happens when you don't put any restrictions on the head of state.
Aside: Make that an uppity head of state. Back to the rant:
And he's the guy -- Obama saying "Well, we're not exceptional, you didn't build that!" This guy is so unaccomplished in the private sector. I don't think he ever ran a lemonade stand.
Aside: Who knew lemonade stands were prerequisites for public office?
He grew up in a resort area...
Yes, Indonesia is the top resort spot for single parents to raise their kids. At this point, the host interrupts and tells John they need to move on, but John is not finished!
I'm telling you, there was the American Century where you've got a guy like Tom Brokaw that has written all these books about the greatest generation. We won the second world war and all of a sudden we get some guy -- questionable idiot -- that follows Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven. That's what he's doing right now.
Aaaand, Cut!
Folks, this is what a steady diet of Fox News, Glenn Beck, and too many nutty newsletters in your email does to a fellow. He starts out fairly reasonable, and morphs into a raving lunatic. If he had had another minute or so, we probably would have heard about Agenda 21 and every birther theory on the planet.
Lemonade stands? Really?