Rep. Louie Gohmert is proposing a bill that would pay a $1 million bounty to anyone who can help find those missing IRS emails.
June 27, 2014

Wingnut Rep. Terror-Babies Gohmert is doing his best to make sure his name stays in the headlines again: House GOPers Propose $1M Bounty For Lost IRS Emails:

Two House Republicans proposed legislation this week that would offer a whopping $1 million reward to anyone who could track down missing emails that may shed light on the IRS' scrutiny of political groups.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) introduced the "Identify and Recover Sent E-Mails Act" with a promise to dole out $1 million to any individual or group who can locate emails that disappeared from former IRS official Lois Lerner’s hard drive when it crashed in 2011. They would also award $500,000 for information about the potential destruction of those emails that could be used to prosecute any individuals involved. Those funds would come out of the IRS' budget.

In an appearance Friday on Fox News, Gohmert was asked why he felt it necessary to offer such a hefty reward.

"Well, you can do it one of two ways. You can have a Justice Department that's actually involved in justice and they will use pressure and they'll get it done," Gohmert said on "America's Newsroom." "We don't have a Justice Department. We have a 'just us' department, or an injustice department. So the only other way is to use the carrot method."

He added that the bill had a "stick" in addition to the carrot -- it would reduce the salaries of IRS employees by 20 percent until the lost emails were recovered.

Here's more from Fox's blog on the interview above: Gohmert Announces $1M Bounty Bill for Missing IRS Emails:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) joined America's Newsroom this morning to announce a bill to offer a $1 million reward to anyone who can find the missing IRS emails. He says the bill stems from the failure of the Justice Department to take any action.

“You can have a Justice Department that is actually involved in justice and they use pressure, and they will get it done. We don’t have a Justice Department. We have a ‘just us’ – or an injustice — department,” he told Bill Hemmer.

He is also proposing an additional $500,000 be offered for any information about someone who destroyed the emails. Gohmert said the idea came from fellow Texas GOP Rep. Jim Flores.

“Don’t forget the other stick,” he said. “We reduce everybody’s salary in the IRS 20 percent until the emails are produced.”

Gohmert said the reward money will come from funds already appropriated for the IRS. He accused Holder of obfuscating in the IRS scandal, and in Operation Fast and Furious, saying the attorney general should be impeached.

Gohmert said House Republicans are looking for a whistleblower who will speak out and "break this thing wide open."


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