Sen. Elizabeth Warren, as always, has been doing a really great job out there promoting her new book, and talking about the fact that our politicians in Washington don't seem to be too terribly concerned about the working class, and whether students have access to affordable loans, and what we do about income inequality and a host of other issues.
So what did Hardball host Chris Matthews want to talk about when he had her on this Thursday? -- "Why can't the Democrats magically make the Republicans want to get along with everyone and pass some legislation that will help the working class?", of course. Because we all know it's the Democrat's fault that the GOP decided as an election strategy to start opposing everything the Kenyan usurper tried to get passed from the day he got elected.
This was one of those moments where I was ready to yell at my television screen and say, "Hey Matthews... I've got one word for you. FILIBUSTER!!!" Warren did everything but that while being more polite with him than I would have been capable of and telling him that the Democrats would have indeed passed the legislation he's demanding if it weren't for them blocking everything that doesn't have sixty votes in the Senate.
That and what they did not even discuss here, which is the fact that most of what gets past a GOP filibuster is then going to be dead in the GOP lead House. It's just treated as normal now by our pundit class that Republicans are going to block anything and everything that President Obama would like to get passed out of sheer reflex, regardless of whether they're harming their constituents and our economy.
I've got a question for Chris Matthews. If you're so concerned about the Democrats "not leading" and not managing to get the other side of the aisle to come along with them on legislation that helps the working class, when are you going to start having on and calling out all of these Republican members of Congress that are blocking the agenda you say you care so much about?
Someone call me when hell freezes over and that happens.