Country music singer Larry Gatlin ranted about his "half-breed Cherokee Indian" grandmother and the Washington "Redskins" football team on Sunday in an attempt to show that that liberals were not proud Americans.
June 29, 2014

Country music singer Larry Gatlin ranted about his "half-breed Cherokee Indian" grandmother and the Washington "Redskins" football team on Sunday in an attempt to show that that liberals were not proud Americans.

A Pew poll released last week found that 60 percent of liberals did not "often feel proud to be American."

Without pointing out that the question had included the word "often," Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt invited Gatlin explain why liberals "are not proud to be an American."

According to Gatlin, "limousine Lear jet liberals" formed a coalition with "low-information voters" to elect a "doofus" named Barack Obama.

"He told us that he hated America," the country music star insisted. "In defense of low-information voters, I knew one. Little half-breed Cherokee Indian -- yes, that's Cherokee Indian for you Florida State Seminoles and Washington Redskins."

At that point, Gatlin paused to demonstrate Florida State's tomahawk chop "war chant."

"She was very wise, though," he said. "She said if a child acts badly, if a child is naughty, slap the grandmother. Because, see, that means the grandmother didn't teach mother, and the mother didn't teach the child. By the way, that was my grandmother."

"Here's what we have, we have old hippies from the '60s, Bill and Hillary [Clinton], ruling our country, not governing our country," Gatlin continued, arguing that liberals were upset when the country took military action because "they don't believe there is a right or wrong."

"They blame America, they blame Bush, they wrap their robes of self-righteousness around them, get in their Lear jets, and take off, and they're still mad at me," he quipped. "Love it or get out of my face!"

"The liberals, they'll sing 'Kumbaya' but they won't stand up and sing the Marine Corps Hymn!" Gatlin exclaimed, adding that President Obama did not know how to pronounce "Marine Corps."

"Who elected this doofus anyway?" he asked. "The liberals and the low-information voters."

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