Let's talk about heartfelt beliefs for a minute. Some people believe the U.S. can win the World Cup. Others really, truly believe the moon landing -- and the Newtown shootings -- were a hoax. Some people (we call them Mormons) believe a spaceship is coming for them (although they don't demand that special Mormon air traffic controllers be present in each tower. Yet)!
And the extreme right wing, many years ago, decided they would work to convince their followers that a birth control pill is actually an abortion pill. Hey, it served their purpose -- as we saw with today's SCOTUS ruling.
Poor little Hobby Lobby didn't want to have to pay for Abortion Pills, and Sammy Alito and Tony Scalia made sure they didn't have to. Their religious beliefs trump YOUR religious beliefs, and that's the way God wants it.
I have to admit, though: I'm still puzzled as to how Hobby Lobby brought themselves to overread their heartfelt beliefs and invest all that money in manufacturers of Abortion Pills, but hey, consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
I wonder what's next? If Hobby Lobby gets to declare that unfertilized eggs are people on the basis of nothing, what's to stop them from rewriting other laws? Will women be forced to buy burial plots for their used menstrual products? If they don't, will that be considered "abuse of a corpse"?
For these and so many questions, we can thank the Roberts Court and the many weenie Democrats who voted for him and Alito, thus turning our "justice" system into Just Us.