SCOTUS Trims EPA Emission Regulation
Credit: csudhgallery
June 23, 2014

Reuters with some details on today's SCOTUS ruling on regulation of greenhouse gases:

Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday issued a mixed ruling on a challenge to part of President Barack Obama’s greenhouse gas regulations by exempting a small proportion of facilities from a federal air pollution program while allowing most major pollution sources, including power plants and refineries, to be included.

The court was divided in several different ways in what was a relatively narrow case concerning a challenge by industry groups and Republican-leaning states to one aspect of a suite of rules issued by Obama's Democratic administration in 2009 and 2010.

On a 7-2 vote, the justices rejected the industry-backed argument that pollution sources cannot be regulated for greenhouse gases under the "prevention of serious deterioration" or PSD program. The program requires any new or modified major polluting facility to obtain a permit before any new construction is done if it emits "any air pollutant."

Fortunately for people who like to breathe, this decision doesn't apply to the sweeping new regulations announced June 2.

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