Well, today's the day. The day the surprise Americans play the trendy Belgians for a spot in the quarterfinals in Brazil? Yes, sure. That. But it's also Canada Day. Yes, the greatest country in the world (?) turns 147 today. Celebrate, my friends. Celebrate. For there is also much awfulness in the world…
Halfway There: The future of the Supreme Court.
Especially important after yesterday's atrocious rulings.
Including the (anti-woman, anti-science, anti-Enlightenment) ruling in favor of theocratic Hobby Lobby, a corporate person with religious rights.
Frankly Curious: SCOTUS says not all religions are equal.
But it's not all about Roberts et al.
The Brad Blog: Blackwater vs. the U.S. State Dept.
That would be the Bush/Cheney-authorized Blackwater, of course. Good times.
Booman Tribune: The Tea Party takeover is complete.
In case you thought the Republican Party had a shred of sanity left. (Hint: It doesn't.)
But… CANADA DAY!!!!!
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.
Send requests and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).