June 16, 2014

So professional neocon Paul "I Seem To Have Misplaced $4 Billion" Bremer, ex-envoy to Iraq, was on Morning Blow today, actually pushing for the option of boots on the ground in Iraq! (Because look how well that turned out. Well, at least in the World According To Scarborough, it did.) Via Mediaite, Mark Halperin seemed to think that was a really bad idea:

“It seems what you’re proposing is to double down on the policies that the Bush administration and you thought would lead to, not just a democratic and independent Iraq, but a force for good in the region,” Halperin said. “Why should we even consider going back to the same set of ideas to try to prop up a government with U.S. intervention, which seems to have failed and left us in this position?”

“I’m not proposing to prop up any government,” Bremer said, arguing that Maliki had dissolved many of the post-surge gains in Iraq. “In fact, I explicitly said we need a new government…I explicitly called for him to resign as Defense Minister and Minister of the Interior.”

“But what business is it of the United States at this point who is in the government of people of Iraq?” Halperin asked. “Why isn’t that up to the people of Iraq, civil society and leaders there, to figure it out and not the United States?”

“Because there is no one there who can do it and no other country who can do it,” Bremer said. “The experience of all of us involved in this for the last decade is that only the Americans can help the Iraqis broker across these sectarian and ethnic lines. There is nobody else who can do it, including the Iraqis.”

“What’s our record on that –” Halperin tried to ask, but Bremer cut him off.

“We may regret that, but it’s a fact, and facts have a nasty way of coming back and basically determining your options,” Bremer said.

Say what now? These are "facts"? These neocon losers don't even have the good grace to slink away and hide from their own bloody handiwork. In the past few years, we've seen Paul Bremer pushing for "boots on the ground" in Syria and Libya.

The guy seems to have a boot fetish.

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